
I would like to thank the following sponsors for making this site possible. I hope all who use this site will join me in showing appreciation for this most gracious support. It is the fuel that enables us to join minds - that we might travel the high path together. Regarding the nuts & bolts: you can thank our sponsors by filling out the demographic profile questionaires located in your Account Settings Console. It would also be great if you would click each of the links below. These links will open in a seperate tab - taking you to the sponsors websites. When you arrive at their site look around and become familliar with them. And if the occasion should arise where you need a product or service our sponsors offer - please give them first shot at your business. Thanks. By supporting our sponsors, you support those who support us - a Win/Win for everyone.

The GoodPeople Corporation (example)

Acme Kindness Care (example)

OffGrid Innovations Company (example)