The Gist:

The Soulmate Foundation is an inspired vision whose time has come. It is a non-profit charity designed to operate from its own constitution; The objective here is two fold: first: the constitution has been designed to free the Foundation of ego dynamics to the greatest extent possible. Secondly: the smf - constitution is meant to establish the foundation as an egalitarian entity - free of ownership motives and mentality. All Soulmate Foundation related objectives, goals, and protocols for operation shall be set forth in the public record and be open to scrutiny. In addition, the Soulmate Foundation founder and directors are mere servants and shall be accountable to the membership body. Decisions shall always involve: founder, directors, and members.

The Soulmate Foundation is based on spiritual principals of love, wisdom, integrity, fair play, good will, common sense, and shall therefore strive always for outcomes that are in the highest and best interest of everyone - everywhere (on a planetary scale). The issue of adherence to these higher spiritual principals shall take precedence over any other consideration - and apply in all activities and decisions.

The Soulmate Foundation shall be completely open and transparent. All monies, expenses, and disbursements shall be openly disclosed and every dollar of its operations accounted for publically. Additionally, the Soulmate Foundation is and shall remain perpetually observant of operating expense efficiency. Minimizing operating costs so revenues can be utilized for maximum good - shall always be of paramount importance.

The Soulmate Foundation shall attract revenues and make disbursements to designated organizations and pilot projects which its directors and members deem most worthwhile. Recipients of Soulmate Foundation revenue shall be evaluated by several factors including: efficiency, effectiveness, potential benefits to society, and whether aid given addresses a problem at its root cause or merely treats a symptom. Where and to whom support will be given - shall be announced in advance and be open to review.

As a primary objective, the Soulmate Foundation shall serve as a dynamic for generating monetary sustenance. This is a critical issue especially for those who would give the effort to help make the world a kinder and gentler place. There are many among us with much to offer but who find themselves restricted by financial limitations. Addressing this deficiency is a Soulmate Foundation cornerstone. In other words, providing a practical solution that can help economically support those who wish to be of service to this world is why this Foundation was conceived.